Thursday, April 21, 2011

In Him

My husband and I have started a small group through our church, and we are loving it! We are doing curriculum (I guess that's what you'd call it?) from john Bevere. It's called Extraordinary. We have a really great group! :) We go to a rather large church, so it's nice to connect with people on a more personal level! For part of our small group we are picking 5 verses each week that we are praying over, meditating on, and resting in. We have a sheet of all the verses that are "in him" "by Christ" "with Christ" etc... There are a lot, so we are just picking 5 a week. We were instructed to take each verse and personalize it. So if it says "you", put "me" and so on.

I thought a fun way for me to focus on them would be to blog about them every week as I pick them. I am going through from the beginning and writing all of them and reading over them, but picking the ones that really hit me as i am reading for my 5. 

I love this. I have heard it/read it before, but I really love it. I love the beginning, and I love the end, but I am also coming to love the middle. It's hard for me to think about taking up His yoke and learning from him. I am a flawed being and I want so badly to go my own way! It's a struggle that I have to trust fully. I trust God, and that hasn't changed, no matter how far I have strayed, but some of his promises, his abundance, his more, is hard for me to grasp and hold on to, so I go my own way. I am working on changing that, and as I do I am loving the visual of learning from God, and taking his yoke, which comes with a promise of rest for my soul, and a light and easy burden!

What are you resting in? What part of God's word are you standing on this week?

Love in Him,

1 comment:

  1. Taiya, it's a lovely verse and well worth thinking about, so, thank you. Even as a non-Christian, this: "What are you resting in? What part of God's word are you standing on this week?" is something important to be thought on and answered.

    PS, I love the way your blog is looking!
