Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Man, I've Been Busy!

Thought I'd use straight up honesty in my title today. I could also use, 'I am about to pass out-exhausted'. :D My hubs had vacation last week and we went nonstop. I wish I had photos, but I don't even know where my camera is, to tell you the truth. Also? I don't think I actually took that many photos. I spent my time *enjoying the moments (every. single. one.) and didn't take many photos at all. I went to a women's conference Thursday night until Friday  at midnight, basically. Then Saturday we woke up, packed and went camping with a friend of ours up north. Then we went to church with them, ate lunch, and drove about 40 minutes to visit *another friend. By the time we got home it was bedtime. Then we went to parades, ate, mowed the lawn (hubby did that, I napped) went grocery shopping for the week, went to *our church, finished our shopping and went home... to sleep. Again. And now he is back at work, and we are all ready to nap for a few weeks! 

We really did have a great week. If I could remember what we did at the beginning of the week I'd happily talk about it, but, well, that eludes me. Ooh- actually- we mowed, planted, mowed, played outside, planted,  visited with friends, mowed some more, and a lot of other stuff. :) 

I did get a few minutes to make a Nook cover for a friend of mine. I didn't get a good photo because I used Photo Booth on my computer with the iSite, but you know.. it's a photo. Ignore the trashed and torn house!  That is my to-do list this week. Eeq's first birthday party is Sunday and we want the house cleaned! This started as a pillow, but I wasn't really feeling it so I just kept it and it was big enough to make 2 of these covers, so I am going to get working on the next one and give it to a different friend with a nook.

Also? I am on a carpenter ant killing crusade. When it gets rainy and wet here we get invaded. We don't have them all of the time, so we aren't infested. They just come when it is wet and drive me *BATTY* then it gets dry and they are gone. This is a loooonnngggg wet season, though, so it's driving me extra batty this year. :) It will help when I get my house cleaned from this vacation. I can't believe on one weeks worth of being here, but not inside doing my normal cleaning, does to my house! It got so cluttered, messy, and dirty in 10 short days! 

At the women's conference I went to we had Lisa Bevere as a guest speaker. Man, is she awesome! Our pastor is Pastor Beth Jones, and I already loved her, but I am adding Lisa Bevere in there. The whole conference was amazing, and so full of God's presence! Pastor Beth has a way of speaking that makes it so easy to see what she means. She just lays it out, talks it out and a lightbulb goes off. I bought Lisa's new book: Lioness Arriving and the workbook to go with it. I *love it. I'm only a few chapters into the book, but I really recommend it. 

Well, I am off to do some of that cleaning, cooking, and getting some kids down for naptime!

Love in Him,

Friday, May 20, 2011

6 Years

I have been married for 6 years tomorrow! If i just think 
"6 years?" I can't imagine where it's gone. If I think, really think about the 6 years? I can see every single minute of it, and how we reached 6 years! It's been such a full 6 years. We have had so much in our married life. I haven't always acknowledged it, I haven't always been thankful for it, I haven't always seen it. The fullness, the beauty, the more, that has been my life, our life, the last 6 years, but when I sit and think about it, when I open my heart and see it, feel it, breathe it... I know such fullness, such happiness of heart, such lightness of spirit. We have a great life, we have a great marriage, and I? I have a great, amazing, wonderful husband. I know that I forget that when I am irritated, grumpy, upset, but it's the truth. No matter the little things that cause me to grump, there is nothing, nothing I could possibly change about this man, about our life, our blessed, amazing, wonderful, perfect-for-us, life! Thank you, Jesus, for this gift, of husband, of marriage, of family. Thank you for this blessed life of mine.

Love in Him,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011

We've been busy on and off here. Today I took a colossal nap with the girls, cleaned, visited with a friend, cooked, and so on. 

I'm trying to figure out the balance between working out (I'm down 16 pounds!), bible study, playtime, cleaning, cooking, and so on. I don't have it down yet. I think I'm going to start getting up earlier in the morning, before the girls, to buy myself some extra time for at least part of it. :)

We have been doing a John Bevere series with small group, called Extraordinary that I am loving. We have also been going through all of the verses that are "in him". On top of that I am just looking up verses that I feel led to read, and this is one of them.  I *love it. I am going to make something and put it up in Little Missy's room. I haven't decided if it is going to be a pillow, wall decoration or quote on the wall. It's simply a beautiful promise from a loving Father.

(click the photo to see it larger)
Love in Him,

Monday, May 16, 2011


I am sooo sleepy! We went to the zoo today for about 5 hours, then I went and helped my parents with some push mowing. I am *beat! I also barely took any photos at the zoo, because I was busy enjoying it. :) I am also? Starving! Off to get some leftover chicken fajita heated up. Long, wonderful day!

Love in Him,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just Thinkin'

I am much sleepy at the moment. My glasses are getting me down a little, but I can't exactly pinpoint why. They shouldn't, I do know that much. I can see, I can afford glasses, I don't have a debilitating eye-problem that is going to lead me into blindness. My life isn't worse off because of my glasses. Still, though. Something I need to work on. Had a busy weekend. Lots of rain and chill, but I'm not going to bum about that because summer and 100* will be here before I know it. Girls were whiny, grumpy, defiant today. I need to work on my attitude, because I let it get me down too much, and I lose patience. I need to work on that, my reaction, my unconditional patience and support. Praying, ever-praying. I will grow in the Lord, he will work in me. I will be patient, loving, kind, gentle with the kids, in all things, including discipline. I won't be hard, harsh, impatient, grumpy, or anything else. I won't let it bum me out. I won't let it get me down. I'll be strong in the Lord, and I'll hold tight to his word, his abundant grace, his abundant love. He has set me free, he will set me free. I'm so tired. We have a big day tomorrow. I need to get up and pack lunches, dry clothes, clean house, make cookies, play, relax, enjoy, exercise, love. Off to bed I go, morning will be here soon. A fresh new day for me to revel in. To enjoy. 

Love in Him,

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Yesterday's Fun and Crafts

I made a case for my Kindle at some point over the last week. I didn't want it damaged, and I didn't want to spend $30 on a drab case. :) So I made this one. I am very pleased with the way it turned out! Behind it is the flower that my hubby brought home and surprised me with on Tuesday! So sweet and happy!

Yesterday my mom and I took the girls to South Haven. :) We had lots of fun! We stopped at my mom's house to pick her up, and she had this beautiful tree in her yard! Every year it is pretty, but this year it went all out!

My jumperoo girl!

This has to be one of the ugliest houses I have ever seen. It's right on the harbor just a few steps off of the beach. If you have that kind of money, why make it ugly?!

 I *love those cheeks!

This is one of those $20 cheapy Disney tables that comes with 2 folding chairs. We've had it since Christmas 2009, and Little Missy finally ripped a hole in the plastic cover. So I ripped off the cover...

...and replaced it with a piece of pretty batik fabric! This is a pretty crappy picture, but it is overcast and my kitchen has no light to see by. 

It's asparagus season! I pickled some this morning. Can't wait to try it! It looks so pretty in jars that I just want to decorate with it, though.

Granola. No sooner do I make it then it is gone! I made it with peach puree instead of apple this time and I liked it much better.

Off to get lunch for the fam!

Love in Him,

Friday, May 13, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Yesterday was a gorgeous day! It was also fantastic from start to finish! :) It was just a great Sunday! We went to church in the morning, then we came home and I cleaned while my hubs roto-tilled. Then we visited his mom for a few and went to my mom's for bbq and play time. After we got home we had a fire (and s'mores!) got baths, then put the girls to bed.

 Here is some photographic evidence of our spectacular Family Sunday:

Eeq woke up with her hair like this. Note the tired eyes. :)

I have *no* idea why blogger insists on turning some of my photos sideways. Since they weren't originally I don't know how to turn them back.

Pop Pop made up this cane for Little Missy to walk with. He was using one to walk with because he had a surgery, and she wanted one, so he cut one off for her so that she could have her stick. Of course she loves it!

My parent's new puppy, Bodhi! Isn't he sweet?

This is how to walk in the woods. Someone carrying you and a nice drink to get you by.

Huey Lewis:

Little did we know- he's a farm dog! He ran straight for the pond at my mom's house and jumped in! Normally it takes days of staring at it to decide to get in it, but not Huey!

Part of the property is a swamp. Mud is a byproduct. 

Isn't it beautiful and peaceful? Well, when it's not hunting season, that is.

Cuddlebug Eeq loves her daddy.

Cuddlebug Eeq loves her Mommy.

"You want me to do WHAT, Daddy?!" My hubs was trying to encourage her to walk straight through the mud, because she had rain boots. However, she walked too slow and her boots got stuck and now i fear she will never trust us again. 

Swampy swamp.

Daddy play

Trust me. The pond is the lesser evil in the pond/swamp debate. The dogs got a forced pond dunking because they weren't riding home in our car covered in black swamp gunk.

You know it's a good day on the farm when your feet look like this. Let's just pretend they aren't my feet, though since the nail polish is looking heinous and they are huge. 

Bonfire! Woot!

A future contestant for Chubby Bunnies, is my guess. :) Look at those marshmallow-filled cheeks.

Tired baby. :)

All in all it was a great day! We had to physically carry Huey to the car because he loved his first taste of farm life. He was trying to get my mom to adopt him, but no dice. :)

Love in Him,

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I've actually been working on some stuff! To the detriment of my working out, but whatever. I can't do it all! 

I pieced together a layer cake that my mom gave me for Christmas. It's not done. I need to get fabric for a couple of borders! It's too small in it's current state. I was going to do some fun offset squares thing, but decided to just do this because I really want to practice my quilting. And.. I was lazy. :) I love these colors, though, and I think it goes nicely with our couch and bookshelves!

This is a baby quilt that I pieced and was going to hand quilt for a friend whose baby is now 2, but never did it. So a friend of mine (whose mom owns a quilt shop) took it for me and got it machine quilted and finished the binding for me! :) I love how bright and happy this is for a baby quilt!

This is a purse, kind of. :) I am going to quilt it, but I was too tired by the time I sewed the whole purse, flipped it, and realized that I put the batting in the wrong spot, so it was on the outside. So I un-sewed(that's what my mom and I call it. We even call the little tool an un-sewer, just for fun)  the whole purse and tried again. I can't wait to get at the quilting, but today I need to exercise for a while! 

Love in Him,