Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Yesterday was a gorgeous day! It was also fantastic from start to finish! :) It was just a great Sunday! We went to church in the morning, then we came home and I cleaned while my hubs roto-tilled. Then we visited his mom for a few and went to my mom's for bbq and play time. After we got home we had a fire (and s'mores!) got baths, then put the girls to bed.

 Here is some photographic evidence of our spectacular Family Sunday:

Eeq woke up with her hair like this. Note the tired eyes. :)

I have *no* idea why blogger insists on turning some of my photos sideways. Since they weren't originally I don't know how to turn them back.

Pop Pop made up this cane for Little Missy to walk with. He was using one to walk with because he had a surgery, and she wanted one, so he cut one off for her so that she could have her stick. Of course she loves it!

My parent's new puppy, Bodhi! Isn't he sweet?

This is how to walk in the woods. Someone carrying you and a nice drink to get you by.

Huey Lewis:

Little did we know- he's a farm dog! He ran straight for the pond at my mom's house and jumped in! Normally it takes days of staring at it to decide to get in it, but not Huey!

Part of the property is a swamp. Mud is a byproduct. 

Isn't it beautiful and peaceful? Well, when it's not hunting season, that is.

Cuddlebug Eeq loves her daddy.

Cuddlebug Eeq loves her Mommy.

"You want me to do WHAT, Daddy?!" My hubs was trying to encourage her to walk straight through the mud, because she had rain boots. However, she walked too slow and her boots got stuck and now i fear she will never trust us again. 

Swampy swamp.

Daddy play

Trust me. The pond is the lesser evil in the pond/swamp debate. The dogs got a forced pond dunking because they weren't riding home in our car covered in black swamp gunk.

You know it's a good day on the farm when your feet look like this. Let's just pretend they aren't my feet, though since the nail polish is looking heinous and they are huge. 

Bonfire! Woot!

A future contestant for Chubby Bunnies, is my guess. :) Look at those marshmallow-filled cheeks.

Tired baby. :)

All in all it was a great day! We had to physically carry Huey to the car because he loved his first taste of farm life. He was trying to get my mom to adopt him, but no dice. :)

Love in Him,


  1. I can't wait for the first s'mores! It looks like a fantastic day.

  2. just click "follow" in the left margin of my blog. thanks for stopping by. i hope it works, darlin'.

  3. Looks like a great Mother's Day! Glad I didn't see any ticks over your way :)
