Saturday, April 23, 2011


I am scrambling around the house getting last minute things done for Easter! A lot of it is stuff that *shouldn't have been last minute, but I procrastinated. Like ironing the girls' dresses. I did manage to get the deviled eggs made and the sugar cookie dough in the fridge (the kids are going to decorate spring/easter shaped sugar cookies tomorrow). Tomorrow will be the ham, asparagus gratin, broccoli, cake, sweet potatoes, and so on. Lots to do! :) I love having people over and cooking for them, though, so it's not a hardship in the least. We have been steadily organizing and cleaning the house up, so it hasn't been too bad to clean. Always a blessing, since I tend to get overwhelmed when I am looking at a whole house to clean, floor to ceiling. 

I don't have much to show you at the moment, but I thought I'd post a photo of the sign I started the other day. I haven't figured out what to put on it otherwise, so, umm.. it's blank.

The sign started out as this. It's okay, but not really the kind of thing I like. It's very... store bought, I guess. Anyway, I wanted to redo it, so I tried fabric, but didn't like it. I tried plain scrapbooking paper, didn't like it. Then I tried ripping and mod podging the paper and loved it! Now i just need to figure out what to put on it!

My parents took Little Missy today, so when I went to pick her up I borrowed my mom's craft room to cut out some hearts for a new project that I'll, hopefully, be working on tomorrow! :) I have never appliqued, but I am going to try. If all else fails I'll be mod podging fabric to some re-purposed canvas! lol!

On that note, I am off to bed. It's midnight and I need to be up at 6 to exercise and start the day!

Love in Him,

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