Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Favorite Photo

I think this is my favorite photo that I have ever taken. I love this so much. It shows my hubby and my Little Missy's relationship, love, and contentment with each other. It is sweet, beautiful, and makes me all emotional. I love them both so much, and this just sums them up for me so nicely. I couldn't ask for more.


  1. Came to your blog from BlogFrog! Priceless picture..It's so full of love :) happy for you!

  2. So sweet - the love of a daddy and daughter - priceless!!

  3. That's precious - does she mind his stubble at all?

  4. so sweet!
    Hello, I found you from Blogfrog.Thank you for sharing nice blog.Please visit My Community
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  5. Taiya Taiya Fo Faiya, banana bana fo faiya!

    Itºs me, FT! Borrowing my cousinºs laptop for a few minutes to answer some email and jump on a few blogs! Track me to see where I am, LOL!!

    Showing my cousin your beautiful pictures, I am not sure I explained blogs properly, LOL!

    Postcards not sent yet but we are going on a major excursion up North tomorrow so will send soon with pics of what weºre looking at! So far, just local beaches and around town, I love coming here! Miss you guys!!
