Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Catch Up

I'm going to attempt to play catch up here. I've been really busy lately with this and that, so I really haven't time for blogging. I've barely had time for sleeping. Which seems odd, since I don't *do a lot, but somehow, I do actually do a lot. 

I'll just post some photos for now, and try to come back for a wordier (but not novel-like) post.

This is sweet Eeq in the Birthday Dress that Grandma. 

This is my 1-year-old, (Yes, ONE year old) Eeq. How did she grow so fast? How I love her! How could I not?

I made 2 cakes for Eeq's bday. One worked. One didn't. 

Birthday BBQ

 My awesome drink thingy!

A smile for Grandma. :) 

She had this "Why are you watching me eat!" look on her face the whole time she was eating her cake.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Blessings, Abundance

I am taking John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows) to heart, and it's made a world of difference. The more I acknowledge my blessings and wonders in the world, the more I am enjoying the full life that I have in Christ. Man, was I missing out. It's so easy to focus on the little things, the bad things, but the more that I open up thankfulness, acknowledge little wonders, the more I am enjoying the full life that I have been given! I'm not going to let the thief steal what is mine anymore. :)

  I love my girls, our activities, smiles, wind blowing, and sun shining. :) We are so blessed. Just yesterday my dad picked up a huge window a/c unit for us for free! I have to admit that I wasn't looking forward to a summer of no a/c downstairs in our room, since we moved our bedroom down here. However, the Lord provided (James 1:17- Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father), once again, and now we will be able to stay cool, or at least not be roasting all summer! We have 2 small window units for the upstairs bedrooms (one of which used to be ours, but won't fit in our new bedroom window), so the girls are already covered. It'll be so nice to be able to walk freely from room to room without melting this summer! 

 It's a little chilly and overcast today, but WONDERFUL! We had one 90* day a few days ago and I am so over that. ha

We've been super busy around her- scurrying around cleaning, baking, visiting, and so on. We had our last small group/bible study on wednesday and I made a cake that i didn't actually get any photos of. It was white cake with raspberry buttercream and a chocolate glaze. It was rich, and not quite what I wanted, but good nonetheless. :) We had a good time chatting and playing, and I'm looking forward to the fall small group schedule to start! My sweet Eeq turns one on Sunday! How is that even possible? We are having a BBQ so I've been cleaning and organizing like crazy to make up for the week's worth of no cleaning, and massive mess-making last week. It's looking pretty clean around here, just little stuff to get to- always a good feeling! 

I have a whole slew of photos from back a couple of weeks ago to now that I hadn't put on the computer, so... you know.. here they are:

We put up the tent that we last used on our honeymoon 6 years ago. :) It still had out-west dirt in it, which made me smile.

One of our garden boxes, mammoth sugar snap peas, scallions, and 2 rows of radishes.

When we bought our house 3 years ago there was a huge pile of branches and junk behind this barn. At least halfway up the barn. We finally got it all cleaned, roto-tilled and raked. :) Now we just need to clean up that junk, and get the barn all the way down.

This bush didn't come back last year (I planted it the year before), so I left in to see what would happen and it came back all the way this year!


Pickled Asparagus with Mustard Seed. Little Missy's new favorite munchie!

At a Memorial Day parade, having fun with friends.

Peppers and Onions for Turkey Pasta Salad- I thought it was beautiful.

Sweet Sisters.

Love in Him,